Pennzoil® Means Complete Protection
Why Pennzoil® Motor Oil?
Your car means a lot to you. It’s part of your life, part of your family. Its performance is what allows you to feel the freedom of the open road and you want to take care of it. When you use Pennzoil® motor oil in your engine, you can be sure that you’re doing the very best you can to protect it.
When you give your car trusted, high-quality products that help it run at its peak, you can drive with confidence and peace of mine knowing your engine is clean and protected.
Why Clean Matters
Why is clean so important in today’s engines? When engines first come out of the factory they are completely clean. None of the grime or sludge that car owners are used to seeing. In fact, if you were to visit the engine-assembly facilities of state-of-the-art engine builders like Ferrari, you’d find that they more closely resemble semiconductor clean rooms where the presence of airborne particles is tightly controlled. That’s because the tolerances in today’s engines are tighter than ever, and today’s engine builders know that clean is crucial.
Why Pennzoil Motor Oil?
How Cleaner Pistons Can Improve Engine Performance
For maximum performance your engine needs to be clean of deposits.
How to Get Better Fuel Economy
A cleaner engine can improve your vehicle's fuel efficiency.
How to Protect the Horsepower of Your Engine
Protect your engine from loss of power with Technology.